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Mind Health For Medical Students (CRN 1196846) is a charity run by healthcare professionals and medical students that aims to drive mental health and wellbeing awareness amongst healthcare professionals. The project runs 5 different services aimed proactively equipping medical students mental  health and well-being through out years 1 - 6 with tailored content dependent on the year group. We directly work in collaboration with universities with the aim of curriculum integration and development

Social Media Campaigns.

We run a dynamic and informative social media campaign primarily on Instagram, under the handle @mindhealthuk. Our campaign features a collection of over 200 posts aimed at providing valuable insights, tips, and advice related to managing mental health challenges specific to medical students and doctors.


Through our Instagram page, we share a wide range of content that includes:


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tips &


We offer practical suggestions and strategies for maintaining mental well-being in the demanding field of medicine. Our posts cover various aspects such as stress management, time management, effective study habits, and self-care techniques.


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We feature real-life stories from medical students and doctors who share their own experiences dealing with mental health challenges. These stories highlight both the difficulties they have faced and the strategies they have employed to cope and thrive.


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We delve into the coping mechanisms that medical students and doctors have found effective in managing the unique stressors and pressures of their careers. This can include mindfulness practices, exercise routines, hobbies, and more.


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We provide recommendations for books and literature related to mental health, self-improvement, and well-being. These resources can serve as valuable tools for personal growth and understanding.


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We actively promote other free and helpful well-being resources available to medical students and professionals. This can include podcasts, articles, videos, and online courses from reputable sources.


It's important to note that our Instagram page is managed and curated by a team of dedicated medical students and doctors who have a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced within the medical field. We maintain confidentiality and only post what you are happy with. We are always seeking to expand our community and knowledge base, and we would be thrilled if you could contribute to our campaign. 



Your insights, experiences, and advice would undoubtedly enrich our platform and provide valuable support to our growing audience. So please get in touch and we can send you some questions that you can reply to, thanks so much.


Registered Charity Number: 1196846   | 

© Mind Health For Medical Students 2021, all rights reserved. Images from Storyset

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